Mercury Retrograde Dos and Don’ts

Posted in Articles.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet that rules thinking, processing and communicating information. It rules commerce, education, transportation, writers, consultants, commentators, critics, salespeople, teachers and travellers.

What is Mercury retrograde?

When Mercury is retrograde, misunderstandings often occur and communications are delayed. Glitches and breakdowns happen with phones, computers, printers, cars, buses and trains. All of these problems usually arise because some crucial piece of information or component has gone astray or awry.

Mercury’s retrograde period tends to bring unforeseen disruptions and delays. It’s not a good idea to start a new project/venture or to make an important decision during this time, since it’s likely that such decisions will be clouded by misinformation, poor communication and careless thinking. This also means that it’s a good idea to hold off signing contracts, forming partnerships and alliances. What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct.

Astrologers still find it fascinating that the retrograde motion, which is merely an optical illusion, can be so impactful. Imagine passing a car on a highway. For a moment, the other car appears as if it’s travelling backwards against the backdrop of the scenery. This is a rudimentary explanation for the retrograde phenomenon. Want to see an actual retrograde planet in motion? A colleague of mine put me onto this animation from NASA showing three years of Saturn’s movements across the sky.  You can actually see the forward and then retrograde motion of the planet.

How to use this time positively

After you’ve backed up your computer files (seriously, do this!), use this time to catch up with yourself.  This is your official excuse for some “down time”. Something from the past may return; people or ideas that are keys to moving forward can float to the surface for you. Use this time to go over things again and get right what you might have missed the first time.

Tying up loose ends on projects/issues already in progress is a great use of energy. You could feel as if everything has slowed down a bit, so being more contemplative and introspective is a wonderful use of a Mercury retrograde. Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic shuffle of daily life. Mercury retrograde can be a rich time of reflecting on these longings. Look over old journals, review your creative work, and solidify a sense of who you are and where you’re headed.

Will it affect you?

Mercury retrograde does affect people differently depending on where it hits in their birth charts.  For some of us, it has a major effect, while others might not notice it much. If you have Mercury angular in your chart (in houses 1, 4, 7 or 10) or if you are a Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces or Virgo Ascendant, odds are you will feel it more than others. People who are born with Mercury retrograde in their natal charts can excel at this time when others are struggling.

For me, personally, like clockwork within the first day or two of a Mercury retrograde, at least one of my credit cards stops working for unknown reasons. My computer will act up. My cell phone suddenly has no reception or has mysteriously gone off the network. I will play phone tag with people for weeks.  There are usually more traffic accidents than usual slowing things down. Plans that I have made just before the retrograde period will often fall through, and any plans that I attempt to make during the retrograde period rarely pan out. I continue to be blown away each time it happens. At least it’s gotten to the point where I can laugh about it and shrug it off as it’s to be expected now.

What is most incredible to me, however, is that in the nearly ten years I have been consulting, I have NEVER gotten a new client during a retrograde period. I get contacted by potential new clients during retrograde periods but for various—sometimes incredible—reasons, the session never happens. It has become such a “thing” that my husband has told me repeatedly to reply to new inquiries with a “Sorry, Mercury is retrograde right now, so please contact me on ABC date when the planet is functioning normally again” response. I haven’t done it yet because I am always testing astrology, but so far the results are staggering.

How does Mercury retrograde affect you? Please share your examples below!

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