Relationship Astrology Consultation


Synastry is the comparison of natal charts.

This comparison shows how two people are alike or different, what kind of buttons get pushed by one another, what can attract or repel, etc.  When you interact with others, the individual energies of your natal chart forms a special relationship with their individual energies. The resulting interplay is as complex and unique as your own personality.

Many of us are familiar with the study of Sun Sign compatibility.

Some will ask, for example, “Does a Leo get along with a Pisces?” These comparisons have no value. There are so many other factors involved when evaluating the compatibility of two people. Synastry is a complex process.

This in-depth consultation first looks at each person’s natal chart and then looks at how these two individuals interact with each other. How are they similar? How are they different? Where are the areas of ease and flow? Where are the areas of discord and challenge? Does the relationship have longevity? What themes will this relationship encounter over the years? All of these questions and more will be answered during this fascinating consultation.

I look at each of your individual charts, a detailed synastry grid, biwheels and the composite chart in my analysis of your relationship.

Relationship Astrology Consultation

$300 CAD | 2 hours long

Get an in-depth understanding of an important relationship in your life be it a romantic relationship, business partnership, parent/child relationship, sibling or even friend. Deepen your connection together.

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