Chart Rectification

Astrology Chart Rectification

Did you know if your birth time is off by just four minutes, it can make a difference of an entire year in prediction?

Rectification is the process by which a chart is moved mathematically in order to correspond to an accurate time of use; it can be thought of as reverse-engineering your birth chart down to the second.

This process is essential in providing me with an accurate birth chart, and it is imperative for timing of events in predictive work. If your birth time is off, then you will likely not connect to parts of your chart, and that inaccuracy will be multiplied in predictive work.

I can say with confidence that a significant majority of astrologers do not rectify charts.

Some might only rectify a chart when a client does not know her time of birth. A lot of astrologers will use the birth time a client gives them without testing it to see if it’s the right time. Think about the birthing process itself. Is the doctor or nurse looking at the clock when the baby takes her first breath? What if there are complications? At what point are they looking at the clock and recording the time? Or, the birth may be completely smooth, but back in analogue days, every clock was a different time. You’d go to school and the clock was five minutes faster there than at home. The doctor’s office or hospital’s clocks were maybe four minutes slower than at home. This all matters.

I rectify your chart by getting some important information from you in regards to significant events in your life. I plot the significant events onto your chart and fine tune your time until everything lines up perfectly. For example, a death of someone close, a major relocation or change of career should show up in your chart. If it doesn’t, it means we don’t have an accurate time. I carefully adjust the time until all those important events in your life show up.

I invest a lot in my clients up front and throughout our time together whether it is just one session or years of working together.


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